Lobsterjobs New Year Resolutions

In the office yesterday we were informed of a few facts about new year resolutions, that I thought would be interesting to show you.

During this week, millions upon millions of people around the world will be formulating their New Years Resolutions. Apparently here's how things usually end up.

63% of people are still keeping their resolutions after the first two months.

67% of people actually make 3 or more resolutions.

The top resolutions usually involve promises to exercise more (37%), increasing the time devoted to study or work (23%), losing weight, stop smoking or drinking (alcohol and/or coffee), and eat healthier.

People make more resolutions to start a new habit (84%) , than to break an old one (16%).

65% of people made their resolutions between the 28th of December and New Year's Day. The rest usually take up until the end of January.

Of those who successfully achieved their top resolution, 40% of them did so on the first attempt. The rest made multiple tries, with 17% finally succeeding after more than six attempts.

So what will your resolutions be for 2013, and do you think you can achieve them?

We actually think most of the resolutions effect the hospitality industry quite badly, giving up drinking, eating out, going out etc.....

So our resolutions in the Lobsterjobs office are to eat more, drink more and go out more!!! Resolutions we can keep while supporting the hospitality industry, keeping the chefs, waiters, hotel managers etc employed safely in their jobs! A Big win all round!! ;-)
